Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Honeysuckle - The (almost) Perfect Deer Browse

White Honeysuckle
We are constantly trying to improve and increase the available browse on the C4. Honeysuckle is probably as close to perfect a browse food as is available in North America for whitetail deer. We have two types on the C4 - common White Honeysuckle like you find all over the south, and the more rare Red Trumpet Honeysuckle. Both are high in protein and digestible energy, both very important to the overall health of deer and for optimum antler development. You can also improve the level of phosphorus, a very critical element in antler development, in the plant by simply fertilizing it with a high phosphorous fertilizer. As the deer browse on the plant they will take on the additional phosphorous processing it into antler growth.
Red Trumpet Honeysuckle
We are going to take cuttings off of both of these and transplant to other areas of the ranch to make it more available to the deer herd. We have learned it is best to do this in the winter time when the plants are dormant. Simply put the cuttings in water or potting soil with a some root stimulator to get them to sprout new roots. Once they establish new roots simply transplant in the ground and fertilize - instant deer food!

If you are interested in hunting on the C4 and going after the buck of a lifetime then give us a call or visit our website at www.c4whitetails.com. Even if you don't book a hunt we love talking about it anyway!

www.c4whitetails.com                       www.facebook.com/c4whitetails.com

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