Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It's Going to be a Good Year!

We have had plenty of rain and an abundance of food on the C4 so the bucks are looking great! We just completed our camera census to get our game counts for the MLD Permit and boy were we excited! I won't bore you with a bunch of verbiage - just take a look...................

Management Buck

He has SEVEN Brow tines!

Incredible Mass

This one is probably only 3 Yrs Old


1.5 yr old 8 point - gonna be good one day

Double drops - BOTH SIDES

Impressive Frame

26" wide!           

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Summer Life on the C4

I have mentioned before that there is more to life at the C4 than JUST deer hunting - I know - hard to believe but there are a lot of cool things to do in the summer time when it is too hot to be in the woods or sitting on a tractor. Check out these pictures I shot this past weekend of some family time we spent down at the river that is less than 2 miles for the C4 lodge. Most people think you have to go out west to see scenery like this but it DOES exist right here in East Texas - one of our best kept secrets!

Carlee navigating the rapids

The water is cold and crystal clear and you can see multiple species of fish. We run spear fishing trips in the deeper pools on a regular basis for "rough fish" which is any non-game fish (it is not legal to use a spear gun on any freshwater game fish in Texas). We regularly shoot Gaspergoo, Buffalo, and Gar that go as big as 25 to 30 pounds - you are talking about a fight and a lot of fun!

Give us a call and come join us!

By the way - we still have some of the best whitetail hunting around!